I'm trying to teach myself Verilog. I have some previous experience using VHDL. I am using Lattice Diamond as my environment.
I successfully created and simulated a full adder. I now want to use this full adder module to create an 8 bit adder.
The include statement I'm using is
`include "fullAdder.v"
and I get the following error:
2049990 ERROR - EightBitAdder.v(1,10-1,11) (VERI-1055) incorrect use of predefined macro include. Expected "filename"
further down I'm getting errors appearing in the fullAdder source
2049990 ERROR - fullAdder.v(3,1-33,10) (VERI-1206) overwriting previous definition of module fullAdder
I am trying to use the modules as shown below further down in the source file:
fullAdder adder0(
.clock (addClock),
.a (a[0]),
.b (b[0]),
.carryIn (1b'0),
.sum (sum0),
.carryOut (carry0)
fullAdder adder1(
.clock (addClock),
.a (a[1]),
.b (b[1]),
.carryIn (carry0),
.sum (sum1),
.carryOut (carry1)
I'm uncertain as to how I should go about fixing this. My searches haven't turned up anything helpful.
-f <filename>
switch for compile command... or put your files in a package and just call the package file for the compile command. You will see many examples on the web. \$\endgroup\$