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I'm trying to do something like this: V1 is a variable (0 to 3.3V) voltage source, so above some value like 0.7 ~ 1.0 V I want Q1 as a closed switch, providing I1 to my load and Q2 as open switch. When V1 goes down, then Q2 is closed and Q1 is open. I1 is controlled by V1 too, when V1 = 3.3V then I1 = 15mA(maximum value). So, how can I correctly put my BJT's on cutoff and saturation region? I prefer to use BJT's due to low V1 levels, and want to do this by using just one control signal (V1). If necessary I can add more BJT's or change NPN's or PNP's... This is just my first NPN and PNP combination idea. Ps. Sorry for my bad english.