Consider an ideal digital milliammeter (zero resistance, zero uncertainty on AD converter input) with realistic (noisy, hysteresic, etc.) AD converter output and a \$3½\$ -digit display. Often when we measure something and the measured value is near the transition between two readings, e.g. \$0.002\; \mathrm{mA}\$ vs \$0.003\; \mathrm{mA}\$, the display (the far-right (last) digit in this case) starts to blink/alternate between the two numbers.
Most of people presume that if you see the number \$0.003\$ for a longer time than \$0.002\$, it means something like: "absolute distance of the real value of input is closer to \$0.003\$ than to \$0.002\$". In other words it means you can round the result to \$0.003\; \mathrm{mA}\$.
Besides the fact that you should use a more precise apparatus in this case, is this practice recommended? And can we use the blinking itself to get a higher precision past the digit precision?
For example: if \$0.002\$ appears half of the time and \$0.003\$ also, we might assess the real value is close to \$0.0025\$. However this gets questionable anywhere off this point and I suppose the display behaviour is different from device to device. Engineers, what are your thoughts?