I have always used separate always block for infering different flip flops when they dont have much in common.
always_ff@(posedge clk) begin
if(rst) q1<='0;
else if(en1) begin
always_ff@(posedge clk) begin
if(rst) q2<='0;
else begin
I find it easier to add/modify logic if they are coded in separate always blocks.
I recently read a paper that said :
Each inferred flip-flop should not be independently modeled in its own procedural block/process. As a matter of style, all inferred flip-flops of a given function or even groups of functions should be described using a single procedural block/process. Multiple procedural blocks/processes should be used to model larger partitioned blocks within a given module/architecture. The exception to this guideline is that of follower flip-flops as discussed in section 3.1 where multiple procedural blocks/processes are required to efficiently model the function itself.
Is there a benefit for using single always block or a hazard if we use separate blocks? The only reason I could think of for not using multiple always blocks is(that I have read elsewhere) is it degrades simulator performance.