I want to use currently the smallest (3.2x3.2 mm2) HF RFID tag from Murata LXMS33HCNK-171 together with RFID reader based on MFRC522 RFID frontend from NXP. In my application, the maximal distance between the tag and the reader antenna is max. 6mm and they are always in parallel planes, where tag can always be "inside" the reader's coil. For designing this I follow application notes from NXP mostly for antenna tuning guidelines, but I also follow AN710 from Microchip, where the theory is very well described.
The equation 7 derives the mutual inductance between the reader's and tag's antennas as:
where a and b are reader's and tag's coil diameters respectively. r is the distance between the coils. Later they show that the optimal reader's coil diameter is \$a=\sqrt{2}r\$. From this, it can be assumed that the bigger the radius of the tag's coil the higher M. So, for the fixed distance between the coils and the Ampere-turns, the only way to increase the mutual inductance would be to increase the size of the tag's coil.
What I am trying to understand is how the ratio of both coil's sizes influence for example near-field coupling and signal backscattering. For example, if the reader's antenna is much bigger than the antenna of the tag, is it true that the tag's antenna will not have so much influence on the reader's antenna? In other words, should reader's and tag's antennas be of nearly the same sizes?