Okay guys, this one has me baffled. Take these two circuits:
Typical stuff; Power in goes to the + rail, GND to the - rail. This is a 19V power supply going in. It goes through the voltage regulator (rated for up to 35V, 1 A), output pin goes through the load and back to ground.
Now, In the circuit on the left, taking a multimeter and measuring voltage between the positive rail and negative rail (total voltage) gives 19V. Measuring from A to B (output pin of the voltage regulator to the negative terminal) gives 5V.
Now replace that resistor with a different load: The Raspberry Pi. It's wired correctly (i.e. converted to USB correctly, it's supposed to run on 5V).
In the circuit on the right, measuring voltage between the positive rail and negative rail gives 19V. Measuring from the A to B, output pin to end, gives 2.5V.
It just does. The Raspberry Pi doesn't even turn on. Take it back out and put a resistor back in, you measure 5V at the output pin.
Is this a dysfunctional regulator? Or am I not understanding something?