I'm quite new to electricity and electric components. I'm building an LED matrix from scratch on a small PCB. I will be using an IC for multiplexing, Transistor for controlling external power supply besides Arduino, resistors and of course the LEDs.
Now, my general question is - power supply of what type(constant-current vs constant-voltage) and what values(Voltage + Amps) should I buy?
My PCB with already soldered LEDs looks like following:
- 3 parallels of - 5 3mm blue LEDs in series. Forward Voltage 3.1V; Current: 20mA - each.
- 3 parallels of - 5 3mm white LEDs in series. Forward Voltage 3.5V; Current: 35mA - each.
Now, after reading tons of articles on Current, Voltage, power sources and so on, there are still questions to which I don't have definite answer. I want to understand the core of all these, so I have following questions:
1) Can I power all 6 parellels, meaning whole PCB with one power supply? If I have understood correctly, I can not. I will need a separate driver for each of the LED color. Correct?
2) How should I calculate the driver values. In my understanding - 5(LEDs in series) x 3(parallels of blue) x 3.1(V each LED) = 46.5V. For Amps, should sum up the values of all 15 LEDs also, or should I calculate by just one LED as the Amps are same across the circuit? To sum-up, I will need a driver of 46.5V / 20mA?
3) Should the same calculation be used for white LEDs, and then two separate power sources connected together somehow?
Please help me to understand not just the values of the power source, but also generally the idea behind the topic. Should I be considering something else into my calculations? Any advice for a better design? Thanks a lot.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab