I'm implementing an EC11E rotary encoder which has 3 pins + 2 pins for a switch. It seems like most of the projects I've seen online wire A/B and GND to the microcontroller, which to me, makes sense.
However, at the same time, I've seen a few references to schematics which include debouncing capacitors and resistors like below.
However, I don't understand why this is actually necessary. From what I understand, since the quadrature encoding effectively presents itself as a square wave, it shouldn't need debouncing, given the contacts either touch or don't touch.
Do I actually need these debouncing capacitors and resistors in my circuit?
As well, it seems like most breakout boards for encoders include a VCC line for pull-up. However, the MCU I'm using [AT90USB646] already includes internal pull-ups on all its GPIO pins. WIll I still need a pull up line then?