Sure, a single level translator will work just fine for whole 5V bus.
As the MCU uses 3.3V supply, all the I2C devices with 3.3V supply should be directly connected to the MCU I2C bus, and this bus must have the I2C bus pull-up resistors to the same 3.3V supply.
Then the level translator can be between 3.3V and 5V bus segments, and the level translator can be a special chip or just FET pass gate built from discrete components. All the 5V powered chips can be on the 5V bus side which must have the I2C bus pull-up resistors connected to the same 5V supply that powers the 5V chips.
The total bus pull-up resistance should be large enough that current does not exceed 3mA in total, or whatever the weakest chip supports. For example the 5V side can have 4k7 pull-ups and 3.3V can have 3k3 pull-ups and the sum of currents needed to pull low by any chip is only near 2mA.