I am analyzing ways to make a current limiting circuit, and here I'm having an unexpected problem. The schematic is as follows:
The problem I am encountering is twofold:
- Even when node Vin is connected to ground, diode D1 still glows, albeit faintly.
- Increasing the V5 generator up to 8V works, and the diode glows brighter linearly. BUT, the moment I go over 8V of input, the diode suddenly drops luminescence by about 80% (almost off) and stays there. The moment I go back below 8V, it turns back on bright, and falls off linearly as I decrease further below 8V.
Another remark: Putting the diode right below the transistor (anode at emitter, cathode negative opamp input) gets rid of problem 2). Problem 1) still remains.
As I understand, increasing voltage too much should make Q2 quickly turn on and off at high speed, regulating and keeping voltage constant, not drop it and make the diode go almost off. The circuit is made to limit current to a value a bit over 20mA. When I go over 8V of input, the current suddenly drops to about 7mA.
VC = 12V
VE= Ground
Opamps are LM358.