I have recently start using the M2S150 Development kit from Microsemi and have run into an issue when attempting to program the board (via Libero 12.1).
When running the "Run PROGRAM Action" command the log reports the following
Error: programmer 'E2005ASNAY' : device 'M2S150' : Executing action PROGRAM FAILED, EXIT -31, refer to FlashPro online help for details.
In the FlashPro User Guide it says that this could be because:
- The certificate is corrupted
- The user hasn't provide application code in the eNVM (or the code is invalid)
- FAB_RESET_N is tied to ground
I can confirm that 2 & 3 are not being done because I have tied FAB_RESET_N high, and while I was initially trying to put application code in the eNVM when this error occurred, I attempted to program the board without putting application code and the error persisted.
I should note that I have been able to program this board before. In fact I currently have some very basic LED Blink code on the board and I am able to change the software portion via IAR. Additionally, I did find some information on retrieving the certificate via software, and have done that, but I'm not sure what they mean by "corrupted"
Would anyone know what is going on and how I could fix it?