I guess this is more of a conceptual question but for the problem below Im having trouble getting started on how to derive the S parameters for the network.
I noticed that the network at 28.025 GHz is resonant, so the shunt capacitor and inductor are open, leaving the equivalent circuit at that frequency to be just the resistors
To derive the s parameters I understand that I have to terminate a port with a matched load, at either 1 or 2 to so that the Reflection Coefficient = 0
Now here is a my confusion, it seems to me that going from port 1 to 2 the characteristic impedance of the circuit (Z_0) would be different than going from port 2 to port 1 leading to different matched loads.
I think that they are different because if you inject a signal into port 1 and short port 2 to ground you encounter an impedance of:
But if you inject a signal starting at port 2 you get:
I believe there's a high chance of doing those resistance calculations wrong, but Im just not sure where to start or if im headed in the right path.
Which boils down my question to
Is it true that the Characteristic Impedance of this network changes depending on where you inject the signal, leading to different matching loads? If not how do you calculate the system impedance this network in particular?
My professor in class has always shown examples and given us homework of simple two port networks that look symmetrical from either port where the system impedance is the same whether looking into port one or port 2 matched loads will be equal so im pretty confused right now.