I am writing a program for bit-banging a JTAG interface. As far as I understood the JTAG interface, it should act like this:
- On clock rise, the TDI and TMS inputs are sampled, if Shift-IR or Shift-DR is the current state, the register is shifted with the value of TDI right one place.
- On clock fall, TDO is set based on the value that fell off the shift register if the current state of the TAP is a Shift state, and then the state of the TAP changes based on the value sampled on TMS.
- Shifting data in the Shift-IR register only has an effect when navigating to Update-IR, and on Capture-DR the selected register in IR is latched on TDI/TDO and ready for shifting in Shift-DR. If a register has a particular function, the data shifted in Shift-DR will be handled on Update-DR.
So in order to input an instruction, I should navigate the TAP to Shift-IR, then shift my instruction LSB first, then at the same time last bit is shifted in, exit the Shift-IR state. Same for Shift-DR to input or output data.
Here is a sample of the code I'm working with, using a STM32F4 as my bit-banger. jtag_tck() cycles the JTAG clock.
uint8_t jtag_tdi_tms(int32_t tdi_state, uint8_t tms_state)
jtag_set(JTAG_TDI_GPIO_Port, JTAG_TDI_Pin, tdi_state ? GPIO_PIN_SET : GPIO_PIN_RESET);
jtag_set(JTAG_TMS_GPIO_Port, JTAG_TMS_Pin, tms_state ? GPIO_PIN_SET : GPIO_PIN_RESET);
return jtag_get(JTAG_TDO_GPIO_Port, JTAG_TDO_Pin);
uint32_t idcode()
uint32_t result = 0;
uint32_t status = 0;
// Navigate from Test-Logic-Reset to Shift-IR
jtag_tdi_tms(0, 0); // Test-Logic-Reset->Run-Test/Idle
jtag_tdi_tms(0, 1); // Run-Test/Idle->Select-DR Scan
jtag_tdi_tms(0, 1); // Select-DR Scan->Select-IR Scan
jtag_tdi_tms(0, 0); // Select-IR Scan->Capture-IR
jtag_tdi_tms(0, 0); // Capture-IR->Shift-IR (first 1 here, read below)
// Shift in the instruction: IDCODE = 0x01, LSB first
status |= jtag_tdi_tms(1, 0) ; // Shift-IR->Shift-IR
status |= jtag_tdi_tms(0, 0) << 1; // Shift-IR->Shift-IR
status |= jtag_tdi_tms(0, 0) << 2; // Shift-IR->Shift-IR
status |= jtag_tdi_tms(0, 0) << 3; // Shift-IR->Shift-IR
status |= jtag_tdi_tms(0, 1) << 4; // Shift-IR->Exit1-IR
#if DEBUG == 1
printf("IDCODE IR Status: %lu\n", status);
status = 0;
// End instruction shift
// Return to Run-Test/Idle
jtag_tdi_tms(0, 1); // Exit1-IR->Update-IR
jtag_tdi_tms(0, 0); // Update-IR->Run-Test/Idle
// Navigate from Run-Test/Idle to Shift-DR
jtag_tdi_tms(0, 1); // Run-Test/Idle->Select-DR Scan
jtag_tdi_tms(0, 0); // Select-DR Scan->Capture-DR
jtag_tdi_tms(0, 0); // Capture-DR->Shift-DR
// Shift out the value in the IDCODE register
for(int i = 0; i < 31; i++)
result |= (jtag_tdi_tms(0, 0) << i); // Shift-DR->Shift-DR
result |= (jtag_tdi_tms(0, 1) << 31); // Shift-DR->Exit1-DR
// Return to Run-Test/Idle
jtag_tdi_tms(0, 1); // Exit1-DR->Update-DR
jtag_tdi_tms(0, 0); // Update-DR->Run-Test/Idle
return result;
Here is the result I get on my serial output, which is basically 0x7fffffff:
IDCODE IR Status: 0
Beyond this, the documentation for the MCU I'm connected with JTAG on tells me that the output on TDO from shifting in the instruction should look like "p0001", with bits p for "Protected". Except the first 1 comes out as the TAP exits the Capture-IR state and enters the Shift-IR state, and no other 1 is shifted out, which tells me there is no protection issue.
Resetting the TAP to TLR, immediately navigating to Shift-DR and shifting bits out brings the id code as normal.
First: is my understanding of the TAP navigation and data-shifting correct?
Second: Am I missing something on the instruction shifting stage in my code? Or is it that the MCU I'm trying to communicate with is locked somehow?