I need to run 15 stepper motor simultaneously with different duty cycles for a mechanical study. However as a mechanical engineer my knowledge on the electronics is not much more than none. Could you please guide me how I should approach this problem?
Stepper motor:
According to my estimations stepper motors called 17HS4401 will work for me. The link below shows the datasheet for these motors. It has a rated voltage of 3.6 V and a rated current of 1.5A/phase
Motor Driver
I am planning to use one driver for each of the stepper motors as each of them will rotate in independent and variable speeds. The one I am planning to use is A4988. The datasheet is available in the link below. It says it has a maximum current of 2A.
Power Supply
I haven't decided on the power supply yet.
My questions:
I am planning to feed the motor driver with a 12V supply. Will the motor driver be sufficient for the stepper motor I will use? (I don't know how much current the stepper motors can draw at max with this voltage, that's why I cannot make sure)
Generally for this motor driver it is suggested to use an electrolytic capacitor between VMOT and GND. They say if it is not done spikes can be a problem. Does it mean that it will damage the driver or can it have other impacts? And does it have to be an an electrolytic one? The electrolytic ones I was able to find was SMD and I don't know how to fit them.
I have found a CNC shield for Arduino Uno. But the shield has sockets for only 4 drivers. It seems that I will need to run 4 Aurdinos at the same time. Do I have any other option? If not is it possible to run 4 of them properly (as my laptop does not have 4 different USB ports I will need to use a splitter)?
I am planning to use a 12V power supply. How much total current should I expect at max? I need to choose the current capacity of the power supply.