I had a schematic, then I went to do layout work in Pcbnew.
I layed out the parts and then proceeded to draw the easy traces, the low hanging fruit.
This is the PCB at this point:
I had created a GND layer in the bottom side copper.
However, since I had 3 ICs that all used 5V power, I decided to duplicate the bottom layer to the front side copper and have it at 5V, instead of GND.
To give them the proper value, I wanted to have a label, so it is easy to find it.
I went ahead in the schematic editor and added the label Vdd.
Then I pressed "Update PCB from schematic."
Unfortunately, I now get two errors about two of the button's pads.
I don't understand why I get those errors because I did not mess around with the button at all.
How come there was no error the first time, and now I have an error about the button, while I changed nothing on the button?
I cannot debug this at all and unfortunately, I cannot procceed with my design.
EDIT: Here is my schematic picture of the switch I used (4 pins.):