My question is why the concept of drift current or movement of minority charges is necessary while the pn-junction is formed. So drift current was explained to me in more or less this way
As the holes diffuse from p to n side due to concentration gradient, it leaves behind an ionised acceptor which is immobile. Similarly when electrons diffuse from n to p side they leave ionised donors behind which too are immobile. As this continues the formation of the depletion region takes place, and due to the immobile charges an electric field sets in in the depletion region and this field leads to motion of charge carriers ie. the flow of electron from p to n and holes from n to p, this flow is regarded as drift current.
So let us assume there are two forces one that leads to diffusion of charge carriers which is due to the concentration gradient and other that arises due to the field generated, then why don't the diffusion simply stops when these forces become equal? Why do we need to introduce drift current?
Where did I go wrong or is there something I am missing? I've read answers on similar question that the diffusion is dominating but couldn't correlate with it my question if it is. Does this play a role somehow?