I have a lead acid battery that is barely above 12 volts (at 12.6) volts. This seemed enough to trip the switch in behavior that changes the 5V pin from output to input in the L298N motor driver module.
The 5V pin which is input now, is necessary for board IC powering.
My big worry is whether the L298N will switch back to output when the voltage eventually drops.
Say I was using the aforementioned battery and the battery suddenly dropped, while at the same time, I was powering the L298N IC with a 5V external power supply. What will happen? I am very worried.
All batteries drop in voltage, so I assumed this would be the case and started looking for suitable regulators, which was fruitless.
I have an idea where I use 6V battery and a step-up converter, is it a more economical and portable choice?