We have designed a circuit for a bidirectional current limiter using an N-channel JFET as below:
This limiter is connected to the end of electrode used for EEG measurement.
The requirement for the product is to measure the skin to electrode impedance also.
Idea behind using the circuit was, the current from the current source would pass through resistor R13 which would generate a negative potential at V(G-S).
This in turn will control the amount of current flowing through the circuit.
The current input is in the range of uA. Typically 6uA.
For testing purpose we connect a resistance ranging from 1k to 330k so as to simulate the skin to electrode impedance.
During testing I found that the resistance of the JFET is non-linear for different temperature ranges.
Due to this, the error in calculating the actual impedance is more than 25%.
Can anyone please help with ways to reduce the temperature based non-linearity of the JFET, or else, a circuit which would limit current bidirectionally to about 80uA?