Edit and update !
Considering the following data sheet ( calibration data from factory) what is the correct math to calculate the weight?
500 Kg = Excitation * rated output. ?
Weight = 41.01 * loadcell reading
It’s the most linear approach and I don’t think it will be accurate.
How I can use all these data in a formula so I don’t do the point by point calibration by myself?
<<<<_____ the Old question ___>>>> I am making a 500 kg scale using an ESP32 and HX711. It is battery powered and uses 3 V excitation.
In the calibration process, I increase the weight by 50 kg steps and read the HX711 output and then use regression to find the fit formula.
It does work and there is no problem beside normal tolerance and issues with hysteresis.
My question is: Is it possible to calibrate the scale without adding actual 500 kg on it? Is there any way to just use the load cell datasheet from factory and use that in a formula to find the fit formula parameters? Does anyone know if load cell manufacturers do this step and provide the fit formula parameters for the customer?
Thank you all for your responses, they are all useful.
It sounds like I do need to put 500 kg to know the load cell characteristics. So, no cheating.
I reach to this solution:
- I will use @lorenzo suggested method to avoid actual 500 kg
- I will use @Tony and @Drew suggestion but with a slight variation. I will use an electric scissor jack.
I will use 10 kg weight as a reference and record the load cell output, then I will use the jack to increase the pressure until I read the 20 kg output until I reach 500 kg. It will get interesting now. Then I will decrease the weight step by step and record the reading.
In this way I will have two graphs and can compensate the hysteresis better.
What do you think?
does anyone know if load cell manufacturers do this step?
... yes, the manufacturers know \$\endgroup\$