It's my first time designing a PCB. I had the idea to make a pyramid out of (probably) 6 same PCBs. Each pyramid would have 30 WS2812B B LEDs. Online I read that on the one side you should be concerned about the heat dissipation of the LEDs and on the other that those LEDs might not get that hot. Would such GND-Baseplate as in Back2 even serve any benefit?
I am also a bit confused about the width of the traces and power cables connected to the boards. I probably will power the boards in parallel (only the data in series) so the each cable wouldn't need to be that big but I still would need a good power supply. I have currently no idea about that. The GND and 5 V traces are currently 0.5 mm thick.
Can you give me some advice about the trace/cable sizes and the board design?