
During clean up I found an old pack of IR LEDs.

They were bought ~ 20 years ago from the German electronics retailer conrad.de. The order number is 185540, but unfortunately, the store doesn't know that component, anymore.

The part is named VX-301.

I couldn't find any datasheet for it online. Thus, I'm curious of their specification, especially:

  • wavelength
  • viewing angle
  • intensity
  • current ratings

Does anyone know some details about this part?


1 Answer 1


I found something. On this page https://www.flippermarkt.de/community/forum/threads/leds-fuer-optos-und-brueckengleichrichter-woher.56836/

There is a discussion in german regarding two alternatives of diodes and a receiver:

Was ich schon probiert hab und was funktioniert sind folgende von CONRAD:

Sender / IR EMITTER IR-EMITTER LD274/Q62703-Q1031, Artikel-Nr.: 153641 – 62 , >50mW, 950nm, 0,58 EUR Oder:

VX-301 IR-SENDEDIODE, Artikel-Nr.: 185540 – 62, 80mW, 895nm, 1,28 €

Empfänger FOTO TRANSISTOR BPW 40 = BPW 96 C, Artikel-Nr.: 184055 – 62 0,91 EUR BPW96: 620 – 980 nm; BPW40: 520 – 950 nm

So the diode might be 80 mW 895nm


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