Introduction: I made a PCB with Allegro that is made of three layers. The mid-layer is completely the RF ground, and the bottom layer is connected to the connector so it is all ground as well. I have two types of through vias that are all plated.
Problem: I noticed that the small size vias have no mark on the mid-layer Gerber files, but they are marked in the top layer and bottom layer. The big vias however have marks in all layers. As far as I checked it goes back to the via definition. My question is that: Are the small plated vias connected to the mid-layer when the PCB is fabricated or not?
As requested, I include a screenshot of the vias as well. The vias that I thought are the problems are shown (the small vias). However, the bigger vias that are defined well, as my colleague told me, are not shown (I do not know why)
I also included the via definition if anyone is an expert in this matter