I have been trying to understand how to read a transistor datasheet properly, and to apply the ratings into my circuit to be able to calculate the needed resistor on the base leg.
I have a basic setup where my collector pin contains a 12V/3A LED supplied by a 12V power supply.
I am trying to control the power with a Raspberry Pi 4 Model b from the base leg.
What is needed to be known is that Raspberry's GPIO pin (3.3V logic) can handle 16mA at most, therefore, I employed a Darlington NPN transistor - BDX53C - to safely dim/amplify the LED's brightness with a PWM control.
I tried to get the basics of calculating the right amount of resistor to be able to safely control the environment without harming either the transistor or the Pi. I saw in this specific discussion and other various similar topics on the internet that people either calculate the potential difference in the base leg as 0.7V if it is a regular NPN or PNP transistor or 1.3 ~ 1.5V if it is a Darlington transistor.
Somehow, I couldn't find those values anywhere neither in my transistor datasheet nor in others. So my questions would be:
- Is the \$h_{FE}\$ value only needed to calculate the right resistor value in a setup? If not, are 0.7V and 1.5V potential differences nothing but a myth? Which variables represent those values in a transistor datasheet?
- What do the \$V_{CE(SAT)}\$ and \$V_{BE(SAT)}\$ variables represent in a transistor setup? Additionally, how can I find more specific values of them if they are needed, for instance, \$I_{C}=3A\$ but \$I_{B}=8mA\$?
- How can I assure myself that a transistor is suitable for my setup? For instance, how can I determine whether a BDX53C would properly yield qualified performance considering 12V/3A LED PWM control?
- I observed that people use the transistors in their setup as a switch most of the time. Therefore, they make a certain calculation about the base resistors. Do I need to take something extra into account as I would want to use the power between 60-100% at different times using a PWM configuration in my Pi?