
I'm using the nRF52832 Blue Feather module. This project has an endnode (Master) and many clients (Slaves). So the endnodis e connected to an online server to collect data and send the data to nRF52832 Blue feather module over UART. Then nRF52832 Blue Feather send data ta o specific slave device over BLE.

So I want to know is it possible to run UART and BLE one after the other if not simultaneously on the same controller (in my case nRF52832 Blue Feather)? Does it cause any problem over the long term?


1 Answer 1


I want to know is it possible to run UART and BLE one after the other

It is. The whole nRF52 series are designed to support both wired protocols and BT/BLE. Most of the BLE work are shouldered by the Nordic's respective BLE stack, so don't worry. You may want to consider prioritising the data flow, though: When to process the incoming data through UART, when to prepare the data to be sent over BLE, etc. For further information contact Nordic support.


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