I have Micsig STO1104C oscilloscope. I was measuring Vpp and the generator was set at 1 V, but my Micsig said it was 1.3xx Vpp. So I measured it with my KEITHLEY DMM6500 and it was measuring 1 Vpp. So I made sure I had everything set right, tried all 4 channels (one at a time) and I was getting about 1/3 more volt an all of them.
So I took a probe from my other 100 Mhz scope (Aktakom ADS-2111MV) and it was measuring 1 Vpp. Are the included probes not accurate? Micsig is usually good quality, I think, so I don't understand what the heck is going on. I don't like that the original probes are fixed at 10X and I can't switch to 1X at all.