I can generate a DC signal using a splitter and a phase detector. I do this by splitting a signal to two and then mixing them in a phase detector (I can also use a mixer as well for this purpose). By adjusting the length of the wires between the two split signals I can maximize the DC signal voltage.
I know that output voltage from the phase detector is $$V_{\mathrm {out}}=(2E_s/\pi)\sin(\Delta\omega)t$$ (This is from The Art of Electronics, third edition, page 576.)
I have done this empirically, but I wish to understand mathematically how the length of a wire are can increase or decrease the value of the DC signal.
Jens kindly reminded me to put a schematic of the setup:
Splitter model number: ZFRSC-2050+ Phase detector model number: ZRPD-1+ PD: Newport 1801 LPF:BLP-1.9+