I have a problem with identifying an SMD component that I'm sure is burned and has to be replaced.
It should be a transistor used to switch the 24 V coil of a J01A-24-F relay.
Input at the supposed base pin (it could also be a MOSFET, so the gate) is 0/5 V coming from a PIC18F452. The coil is inserted on the collector side. The emitter is at ground. I noticed that there are no resistors to polarize the transistor, so I suppose the resistors, if any, are internal to the component.
The board controls a gas boiler. The relay opens/closes a water pump on the 230 V side.
Over the component I read "XF" horizontally and "5N" vertically. I thought it could be a transistor like the RN1101F but I'm not sure. Could you please suggest the correct code or an equivalent, (preferably not an SMD to facilitate soldering and purchase)?
I attached a photo.