I'm taking the CSE test for IPC-J-STD-001 and at chapter 7.Certification Exam Overview, I can see that there are 3 types of tests.
- Policy and procedure test (10 questions)
- Closed book test (25 questions)
- Open book test (75 questions)
Inside IPC's document they write:
7.Enhanced Policies and Procedures Exam
The Enhanced Policies and Procedures Exam contains 10 multiple-choice questions that evaluate a candidate’s understanding of:
- a) The Policies and Procedures for the certification program that the candidate is attempting to complete.
- b) The history of the electronics industry and how standards help improve the industry.
- c) The key steps in the production of a circuit board and electronics assembly.
- d) How standards are developed, revised, and documented, and how you can help improve those standards.
- e) How to apply standards certification to increase the quality for your company, your customers, and the electronics industry.
- f) How to get assistance in solving your technical challenges.
So preparing for the Policy and Procedure exam, I want to find information about these topics. For a) I have found these at chapter 2.About the Policies and Procedures
Source for finding the chapters: https://www.ipc.org/ipc-certification-policies-procedures
For b) I have found how a standard can improve the indistry. I have not found any source about history about eletronic manufacturing.
For c) I have found the key steps for start to finish for manufacturing a PCB board. It's the same link above, but this URL link also shows a flow chart of the production.
If I want to find information about the rest of the topics from IPC's page. Where should I do the search then? I find no information about history about eletronics at IPC's page, only history about IPC and how they were founded.