I have been experimenting with an underwater robot where I have 5 DC motors (that are properly sealed by the supplier) and I built simple n-type MOSFET (IRLZ44Z) drivers, 5 separate drivers for 5 motors.
I use an 18 m long tether cable that connects the motors on the robot to the electronics. Using a 12 V supply from a lead-acid battery, with logic coming from an Arduino Uno, everything seemed to work great for a while.
But recently I noticed that two motors that I am turning on at the same time have started turning at "slighly" different speeds. I checked the PWM voltage using a digital multimeter which goes to the drivers that shows 4.987 V (at 100% duty cycle, running at 490 Hz) on both pins. I get identical voltages on the gate of the two MOSFET drivers also.
What I don't understand is why the slight change in speeds, when the two motors were turning at the same speeds before. What else can I do to troubleshoot? Could there be something wrong with the tether wire (although I checked and all the wires show about the same resistance). Any suggestions on further troubleshooting ideas? Please let me know if more information is required.