Some years ago I connected a relay inline with the DC input of some old computer speakers so they could be powered on and off by an Arduino. This was working perfectly for a few years, but then one day the audio started getting really distorted and garbled. Things would often be fine when first turning them on, but after a few seconds to a few minutes, the audio would degrade severely. It also seemed to be worse at higher volumes. I initially thought the speakers had blown, but after some tinkering I found the relay to be the culprit. After swapping it out with a new relay things worked great again for a few years, but now the issue is back.
The relay is one of those common blue Songle relays (SRD-05VDC-SL-C) that, if I'm reading the specs correctly, should handle a 30V DC load. The speakers are powered by an 18V wall wart, so I think everything should be within tolerances. The audio source is an entirely separate device with its own power supply, so I don't think that is a factor.
Any thoughts as to what might be going wrong with the relays and how I might prevent this from happening again?