
What is the fastest way to increment two combined bytes in assembler (assuming I'm working on an 8-bit CPU)? Currently I'm doing this:

OVF1_handler: ; TIMER1 overflow ISR

lds r21, timerhl ; load low byte into working register; 2 cycles
add r21, counter_inc ; add 1 to working register (value of counter_inc is 1); 1 cycle

brbs 0, OVF1_handler_carry ; branch if bit 0 (carry flag bit) of SREG is set; 1 cycle if false . 2 cycles if true
sts timerhl, r21 ; otherwise write value back to variable; 2 cycles
reti ; we're done

OVF1_handler_carry: ; in case of carry bit is set
    sts timerhl, r21 ; write value of low byte back to variable; 2 cycles

    lds r21, timerhh ; load high byte into working register; 2 cycles
    inc r21 ; increment it by 1 (no carry check needed here); 1 cycle
    sts timerhh, r21 ; write value of high byte back to variable; 2 cycles

reti ; we're done

So in sum there are

255 * (2+1+1+2) + (2+1+2+2+2+1+2) = 1542 cycles

to count from 0 to 256 (255 times (2+1+1+2) because no overflow plus 1 time (2+1+2+2+2+1+2) when overflow occurs).

Is my calculation correct and is there a faster way?


2 Answers 2


Have a bit more trust in your compiler. Write the code in C, compile it and look at the disassembly. Unsure which toolchain you use, but avr-gcc creates pretty well optimized code.

lds     r24 , lowbyte   ; 2 clocks
lds     r25 , highbyte  ; 2 clocks
adiw    r24 , 0x01      ; 2 clocks - Add Immediate to Word (= 16 bit)
sts     lowbyte  , r24  ; 2 clocks
sts     highbyte , r25  ; 2 clocks

You can disassemble the .elf file with the following command (provided you use the gcc toolchain):

avr-objdump -C -d $(src).elf

BTW: You probably need to push the used registers to stack beforehand and pop them afterwards (2 cycles each). Also remember that an interrupt (including reti) lasts at least 8 clock cycles apart from the instructions being executed.

; TIMER1_OVF            ;  4 clocks
push    r24             ;  2 clocks
IN      r24 , SREG      ;  1 clock  - save CPU flags
push    r24             ;  2 clocks
push    r25             ;  2 clocks
; do the addition above - 10 clocks
pop     r25             ;  2 clocks
pop     r24             ;  2 clocks
OUT     SREG , r24      ;  1 clock
pop     r24             ;  2 clocks
reti                    ;  4 clocks
; total 32 clock ticks
  • \$\begingroup\$ Or you can give avr-gcc an argument to output disasembly in the compilation process. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 7, 2013 at 20:58
  • \$\begingroup\$ Personally I think avr-gcc is generating a messy listing, it does contain lots of comments though. \$\endgroup\$
    – jippie
    Commented Apr 7, 2013 at 21:00
  • \$\begingroup\$ So there are 10 clocks in sum. Counting from 0 to 256 would take then 256 * 10 = 2560 clocks. That's 1000 clocks more than in my code. \$\endgroup\$
    – arminb
    Commented Apr 7, 2013 at 21:11
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ That is a possibility, yes, and the advantage for using assembly. Still your CPU flags will change on every interrupt, which may affect your main loop. \$\endgroup\$
    – jippie
    Commented Apr 7, 2013 at 21:39
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ If that is not a problem, then there are some AVR's that have room for 2 instructions in the interrupt vector table. On top of that, if you don't use the next entry in that table you can use it yourself anyway. So with a bit of luck you can fit the entire interrupt routine in the vector table. Saves you a branch (2 clocks). \$\endgroup\$
    – jippie
    Commented Apr 7, 2013 at 21:45

When resorting to assembler,

  • still value readable / maintainable higher than saved two bytes. Or cycles.
    Unless that saving makes what otherwise would be broken.
  • try to get things done without ado.
  • check with a decent compiler if it doesn't do better.
    godbolt is a valuable resource here.

A stab or three at incrementing a two byte integral value in an ISR:

OVF1_handler:          ; TIMER1 overflow ISR
    push r21           ; 1 cycle (2 if AVRe)
    in   r21, SREG     ; 1 cycle
    push r21           ; 1 cycle (2 if AVRe)

    lds  r21, timerhl  ; load low byte into working register; 2 cycles
    subi r21, -1       ; 1 cycle
    sts  timerhl, r21  ; write value back to variable; 2 cycles
#if !BEST_WORST_CASE  // best worst case cycles: process carry unconditionally
# if !BEST_PREDOMINANT_CASE    // no duplicated epilogue, 7/11 cycles
    brcs OVF1_epilogue ; 1 cycle if no carry, else 2
# else // BEST_PREDOMINANT_CASE  // duplicated epilogue, 6/12 cycles
    brcc OVF1_overflow ; 1 cycle if carry, else 2
    pop  r21
    out  SREG, r21
    pop  r21
    reti               ; we're done
# endif

OVF1_overflow:         ; in case lower byte overflowed
    lds  r21, timerhh  ; load high byte into working register; 2 cycles
    sbci r21, -1       ; process carry; 1 cycle - no faster than addiw
    sts  timerhh, r21  ; write value of high byte back to variable; 2 cycles

    pop  r21           ; 2 cycles
    out  SREG, r21     ; 1 cycle
    pop  r21           ; 2 cycles
    reti               ; we're done

most of any advantage over using addiw comes from not saving&restoring a second register.


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