Even though it seems to be a common question, but I just can’t find a detailed answer on the Internet after days searching. I’ve been working on this problem for months up until now.
I’m making an electric vehicle remotely controlled by an ESP32. The chip is sharing power with 4 6V DC motors, 2 SG90 servos and 1 28byj-48 stepper motor. The DC motors are controlled by an Adafruit Motor Shield V1 and I’ve soldered 4 104 microfarad ceremic caps to each of the motor. Also, every other components in the circuit have at least 350 microfarad wired in parallel to them. All motors are back-emf protected using a flyback diode.
Problem: ESP32 reset due to electrical noise from motor (When a motor runs, the red LED on the chip dims lightly, and the brownout detector reset the chip when sufficient voltage drops below a threshold).
Question: Should I try using a bigger bypass capacitor, or use a separate power supply (Still ground connected) for the motor and control section? Is separate power supply like this common in the industry? In the long run, I’m gonna add more motors and microcontrollers to the system, and I want to complelely solve this brownout problem for maximum reliability. Thank you for your suggestion.