I am investigating using GENERATE statements in VHDL to make duplicating the same logic tidier and more efficient. Take a basic example I found online below:
type array_of_100_unsigned is array 0 to 99 of unsigned ( 7 downto 0 ) ;
signal x , y , result : array_of_100_unsigned ;
generate_100_adders : for index in 0 to 99 -- The following compact code will generate 100 adders.
single_adder : adder
port map
input_a => x ( index ) ,
input_b => y ( index ) ,
output_c => result ( index )
) ;
end generate ;
This code produces 100 adders instead of having to write 100 lines of code in theory. So when this code is synthesized there will be 100 instances of this logic implemented in hardware and cannot be changed.
Can this be made more dynamically configurable? I.e. could we add logic that could change the number of adders in run time after synthesis when the design is running on an FPGA? Or is this logic fixed once mapping the bitstream on chip?
In the same example below, could we use a variable instead of hard-coding the 99 here?
generate_100_adders : for index in 0 to 99 -- The following compact code will generate 100 adders.