I am trying to simulate a voltage-controlled current source in LTspice using the feedback current of an OP-amp as the load current. My circuit is:
As an output, I get something around I_L = 620pA. As an amplifier, I tried LT6300, which can give at least 500mA output, but I never get the right current, which should be $$I_L=\frac{V^+}{R_1}=\frac{V_{cc}}{R_1}. $$ I tried to use several other resistor values and the generic OPamps, but never got the right current (which with the values in the image should be 800mA DC). What am I missing?
Uff, I focused so much on the fact that the OPamp should be a current source that I forgot the most fundamental things about amplifiers (to make sure that the output is lower than the rail voltage). I changed the OPamp to a generic one just to make the simulation run, and it did. In this configuration, I get the right values:
Thank you everybody.