I have been developing a 0-10v / 4-20ma analog output board
I have come across an issue when connecting to some certain loads I am experience signifcant oscillating where the output is swinging from 0v to the rail voltage (24v in this case).
Below is the schematic. The op-amp is an LM358
J4 allows us to swap between 0-10 (1-2) and 4-20ma (2-3). AO_SIG1 is fed from an MCP4728.
Below are 3 captures from a scope, yellow channel is the output and blue channel is the output of MCP4728.
target 10v output with 1K resistor across output (A_OUT2+ - A_OUT2-)
Target 10v output w. 10mA load set by a programmable load (DL24)
I would appreciate any guidance to what could be the issue and how I might go about eliminating this oscillation.