
Hoping someone can help as I've spent the last few hours trying to find this specific connector on a number of distribution and manufacturer sites. The pitch looks like it is around 6.3mm. It's a 2x2 layout similar to the standard Molex Mega-Fit range (or an oversized ATX connector) but has rounded bottom connectors (not square/corner cut ones) resembling what is available in the Molex MLX or MATE-N-LOCK range. BUT I can't find this specific plug in either of their ranges. Unknown Connector The plug is used to connect accessories like sensors to industrial testing equipment so changing to a new standard isn't possible as it needs to be used in both new and existing equipment. Any help would be much appreciated!


1 Answer 1


Look for it: L6.2 Big Tamiya 6.2mm Male Female Rubber Shell Connector https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006040544420.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.770161d7V5GuZL&mp=1


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