From what I gather, transfer rate is how many bits you transfer via the bus at once with every clock. So the formula would be: frequency (in MHz) * 2 (because of DDR) * bus width (because I think it's a hard limit on how many bits can pass through at once?).
But the thing is, I was looking at some of my teacher's slides on RAM and it claimed a DIMM with code PC3-12800U and 1600 MHz had a transfer rate of 12800 MB/s; and doing the math it doesn't make sense, as 1600 * 2 * 64 (which, looking up, is the bus width for DDR3) equals 204800, (which I assume is something like megabits per second? Really lost on what the actual unit of measures would actually be here, as I have no idea why megabits would be being used here, since converting it directly to bytes give it a value which could only be megabytes per second accourding to the transfer rate) or 25600 in bytes. So why is the transfer rate half of what it is supposed to be? Is it not taking into account DDR for some reason (i'd imagine it wouldn't be the actual rate data is being transfered then)?