I am trying to make a trailing-edge dimmer based on the FL5150 IC, that I can control with a microcontroller.
After doing some research I stumbled upon this forum post which seems to be exactly what I would need, however I do have some questions about the footnotes he left
This assumes that you use a dual optoisolator, and that the CTR is the same. To ensure they ARE equally matched, you can buy the more expensive IL300 or LOC110 - built especially for this purpose.
Is the author trying to indicate that you can/should use a dual optoisolator, or perhaps that you should not use mismatching optos, or could it be something else?
As well as I noticed in the schematic all the grounds are the same. However shouldn't on the FL5150 side the ground be of the isolated PSU, the same one that is used for powering the FL5150?