I have bought 6 of the 20-string LEDs for a hobby project of mine. http://www.amazon.com/Warm-White-Lights-Silver-Wire/dp/B004E328A4/ref=pd_sim_hg_9
I wish to make them blink at a fixed frequency anywhere between 10Hz and 20Hz. I wish to use only one or two battery packs (3 to 6 AA batteries total) to power all 6 strings (the final circuit needs to be compact).
A single string of LEDs draws 120 mA of current. Fresh AA batteries supply 1.5 Volts each. So, each string should draw 3 * 1.5V * 0.12A = approx 0.5W per LED string.
I am looking for an LEd driver that will make the LEDs blink. My estimates is that I need 4 +/- 0.5 V, 1.5W or 3W +/- 20% for both, 15 +/-5 HZ LED driver.
I have tried a few searches and did not find anything that seems appropriate, probably because I am a beginner.
Please suggest a component. It should draw the same power as it modulates I assume it should not be bigger than a US quarter coin. Hopefully I have done my arithmetics right.
I ended up using the 555 / astable circuit like this one: http://www.555-timer-circuits.com/flashing-led.html Here is a calculator I used: http://www.ohmslawcalculator.com/555_astable.php
So far so good.