I have a design with a very thin and curvy board shape, so any-angle routing is absolutely required.
My favorite EDA software is Altium, so right now I have only two options, both bad, for how to route any-angle:
- Every time I want to change routes, export the design to another program that does allow any-angle routing, make the changes, and then import back to Altium
- Painstakingly change the x1,y1 x2,y2 values of every individual track segment using the "Properties" popup window
Clearly Altium can represent any-angle tracks just fine (since option 2 does work), there just isn't any way to use the standard mouse controls to do it!
Is there any way to configure Altium or use a plugin so that the mouse controls can freely change the x1,y1 x2,y2 of tracks without snapping to 45 degree angles?