I've got a 555 timer being powered by a 5v rail that is isolated from the 3v rail running a motor driver, which runs a motor.
The 555 is only supposed to fire when it gets the signal from a 38khz infrared detector but it seems to trigger everytime I plug a wire into the 3v rail, or sometimes for no apparent reason at all.
What is going on? Can I give it some buffer room somehow?
Extra info: when the 555 is triggered by the 38khz infrared receiver, it is supposed to tell the driver to spin the motor forward for about 6 seconds. However, the 555 also triggers an infrared LED to try and trigger a photoresistor, and if the light isn't blocked, then the phototransistor is supposed to disable pin 2 of the driver and enable pin 7, thereby reversing the direction the motor will spin for the 6 seconds indicated by the 555. this is so that the device can tell whether to run the motor forward or backwards based on the phototransistor's ability to see light.