I'm creating a two-part, bass guitar-style MIDI controller, where the left hand plays a small fretboard which detects which frets are being played, and the right hand "plucks" strings (actually senses touch on four separate wires). The right-hand device contains an Arduino and the MIDI output port, while the left-hand device just consists of shift registers to serialize the data from its frets. The right-hand device (with the Arduino) currently communicates with the left-hand device via five wires (clock, latch and data for the shift registers plus 5V and ground).
My question:
What is the best way of connecting the two devices? I would like a detachable cable, so I'm imagining something like a D-sub connector on each device, or maybe an RJ45 or DIN. Ideally, I'd like it to be a fairly common type of cable so that it's not too expensive, and preferably something with a few extra pins in case I want to add some LEDs to the left-hand device. Also, the lighter the cable, the better, so that movement isn't restricted (this might rule out D-sub?).
EDIT - additional info, as requested (answering as best I can!):
- The cable would be about a metre in length
- The current is about 40mA
- The code is currently running about 50,000 times per second (I think), but it doesn't really need to if that's going to affect the cable choice; 1,000 times per second would be fine
- The shift registers are both 74HC165