I have a number of W2K systems that we are trying to use to program the new Arduino Uno and Mega devices. These boards now come with a USB connection, an upgrade from the prior FTDI. I'm not able to download the Arduino code into the board from a W2K system
The supplied drivers are *.inf files that modify the standard USB driver that comes with Windows (in this case W2K)
I go through the process of setting the port, setting the device and doing the download. The download fails, and the apparent error is that the PC can not communicate with the board. I've checked the port, adjusted the baud rates, etc. I've even moved the port number from a high port number (ie COM12) to a lower port (COM2) without any success. I do see activity on the rec/xmt lights on the Arduino board, so some type of data is being sent and received.
I'm looking for:
Someone who has been able to download files from W2K to the Arduino
A way to shim inside the USB driver to be able to watch the traffic going up and down to the board so I can continue to debug this.
Some general tips for things to look at in the .inf file that need to be set/not set to make it work on W2K.
I know the boards work I've used them on a different set of XP systems. So I know to some extent the install is good and that most of what I have works.
Full dumps can be found on the Arduino forum.
This is the information produced by the AVRDude program while it's trying to download the code.
It was suggested at stackoverflow that this be posted here.