I am using this Power Resistor here and I am trying to put it in my layout. The Problem is I can't find any .lib (TO-263 or D2PK) file in Eagle or at least a similar package.
Any Help?
I am using this Power Resistor here and I am trying to put it in my layout. The Problem is I can't find any .lib (TO-263 or D2PK) file in Eagle or at least a similar package.
Any Help?
So go make the part yourself. If you'd done that instead of all the searching and then asking here, you'd probably have it already.
Creating parts really isn't hard, and then you know they follow whatever your conventions are. Using someone else's part is often more trouble because vetting it is usually more work than just making your own part your own way in the first place.
I agree with Olin -- you should just make it yourself that said Dangerous Prototypes seem to have a DPAK package in their open library available here: http://dangerousprototypes.com/docs/Dangerous_Prototypes_Cadsoft_Eagle_parts_library
Specifically I'm looking at the components vreg-3pins-dpak / vreg-3pins-d2pak. Using this blindly without validating the footprint may likely backfire however so be careful.