You need to know the device model and parameter extraction flow:.
- Equation used to describe behavior of device.
Example: $$I_d=\frac{1}{2}\mu_n C_{ox} \frac{W}{L}(V_{GS}-V_T)^2(1+\lambda V_{DS}) $$
Data your measurement. (Id vs Vds/ Id vs Vgs)
Example determine Kn = Um.Cox
- Algorithm to calculate parameter: (example Kn)
4.1 Hand cal. (use equation in section 3)
4.2 Curve fitting algorithm: (Levenberg Mardquardt, Gene Algorithm,...)
Ref: Matlab, of other ref...
- Replace these parameter are calculated in section 4 into model file.
If you want to more accuracy; You should know flow for parameter extraction. It maybe take your time.
Example: Kp-E0 in EKV model:
Hope it help you.
$$Equation + Measurement data + Algorithm$$