I want to use a LM226677 Voltage reagulator to achieve a step-down converter from 12V to 10V. However, in a Schottky diode is used reversely polarized at the output of the LM22677, and the datasheet claims "A Schottky type power diode is required for all LM22677 applications. [...] The reverse breakdown rating of the diode should be selected for the maximum V_IN, plus some safety margin. A good rule of thumb is to select a diode with a reverse voltage rating of 1.3 times the maximum input voltage." datasheet
Not being able to find/get hold of Schottky diodes with a reverse breakdown voltage of 12V~15.6V (lowest I can find is 20V), I was wondering if it is possible to use 20V reverse breakdown Schottky diode or replace it with a zener diode?