I'm constructing a power supply based on solar cells backed by batteries. The solar cells deliver between 0 and 4 A, depending on the time of day, while the charger I plan on using, the LT3652, has a maximum charging current of 2 A. I've started to consider running two of the chargers in parallel in order to utilize the full 4 A, but I'm very uncertain about how they will behave drawing on the same current source.
Does anyone have any hunches, ideas or opinions regarding this setup? A rough sketch of what I'm talking about can be seen below (note: this is not meant as a circuit diagram, just a sketch of what I mean -- don't let the fact that it's drawn using circuit symbols confuse you, it's more like a flowchart).
Sorry about the vagueness/scope of the question, but I don't have much experience with charging circuits and want to avoid doing something stupid.