I have attempted to put together a schematic utilizing the ADP1613 boost converter, and I am having no luck at all. I don't have a good understanding of how this device really works, so I don't know how to troubleshoot it.
I lifted the schematic directly from the datasheet (page 16), replacing a couple of values, b/c I did not have the exact parts. The changes in values are very small and within the ranges specified in the datasheet:
Here's what the physical circuit looks like:
I am applying a 5V battery to Vin, and I am getting 40V at Vout, whereas what I configured the booster for is 5V output: 1.235V × (1 + 37.4/12.4) = 4.96V. This measurement was taken with no load attached to Vout.
I tried to examine the Switching Output pin with a 10X oscilloscope probe, but the chip heated up very quickly and I had to unplug it.
If I supply a load that draws 410mA, Vout drops to 8.5V.
What am I doing wrong here? What is the correct way to troubleshoot a device like this?
EDIT 1: Could the problem be that I am running the regulator w/o a load? If the chip was not capable of 0% duty cycle, wouldn't the voltage continue building to the maximum the inductor can handle, until something blows? Just guessing...