I'm trying to power a pcb using a psu that is rated at 12V 10A and has a barrel connector with a jack that is 2.5mm x 5.5mm. I've tested my board with screw terminals and it draws about 8A. I want to make the design easier to connect and disconnect the power but I'm having a hard time finding barrel connectors that will work. I can't seem to find any barrel connectors that are rated at or above 10A for 12v dc.
On digikey they suggest http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/PD-40V/CP-7440V-ND/2712203 as the connector for psus that supply up to 17A but it is only rated at 7.5A.
Am I misunderstanding how the current rates are listed or is there a special way to connect one of these high current dc psus to the board?