I'm trying to write as tiny code as possible to extract the firmware of Infineon's XMC4500 microcontroller.
The code must fit into a 30 byte buffer which allows me to have 15 machine instructions using Thumb 16-bit instruction set.
Starting with C my attempt is to dump flash memory through a single GPIO pin (see original question) following this nifty trick.
Basically what I'm doing is:
- Setup the GPIO pin directions to output
- Blink LED1 (pin 1.1) with a clock (SPI serial clock)
- Blink LED2 (pin 1.0) with data bits (SPI MOSI)
- Sniff pins with a logic analyzer
#include "XMC4500.h"
void main() {
// start dumping at memory address 0x00000000
unsigned int* p = (uint32_t *)(0x0u);
// configure port1 output (push-pull)
PORT1->IOCR0 = 0x8080u;
for(;;) {
int i = 32;
int data = *(p++);
do {
// clock low
PORT1->OUT = 0x0;
// clock high with data bits
PORT1->OUT = 0x2u | data;
data >>= 1;
} while (--i > 0);
; PORT1->IOCR0 = 0x8080UL
ldr r1, =0x48028100 ; load port1 base address to R1
movw r2, #0x8080 ; move 0x8080 to R2
str r2, [r1, #0x10]
; start copying at address 0x00000000
; R12 is known to be zeroed
ldr.w r2, [r12], #0x4 ; int data = *(p++)
movs r3, #32 ; int i = 32
; PORT1->OUT = 0x0
; clock low
; R12 is known to be zeroed
str r12, [r1]
; PORT1->OUT = 0x2 | data
; clock high with data bits
orr r4, r2, #0x2
str r4, [r1]
asrs r2, r2, #0x1 ; data >>= 1
subs r3, r3, #0x1 ; i--
bne.n main_2 ; while (--i > 0)
b.n main_1 ; while(true)
However code size is still too big to meet my requirements.
Is there anything I can do to further shrink down my code? Anything that can be optimized or left out?